Get Active Exercise Referrals
Get Active is an exercise referral programme which was launched in collaboration with local partners which allows GPs to refer patients to an exercise specialist at one of the five leisure centres in the borough. The programme is for those aged 16 and above whose health could benefit from a more active lifestyle. It is designed to assist people who have certain medical conditions and as a preventative measure for those who are at risk of developing health related problems.
0800 028 8694
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If you are interested in getting fit and healthy it might be easier than you think! Walking is a free and accessible activity that you can fit in to your lifestyle and a means of getting your daily quota of exercise without the need for expensive kit or class fees.
Walk for Health is a programme of free weekly, social, health walks of between 30 and 90 minutes duration for everyone. The walks are for those who would like to improve their physical and mental wellbeing and enjoy the added benefit of exercising outdoors.
The walks are located throughout the borough and vary in length and intensity to suit all. Walks are inclusive and families are welcome, older people, teenagers and members of the community from every walk of life to enjoy some of Kingston’s most scenic surroundings. The walks are very sociable and many walkers meet for tea and coffee afterwards.
Children and young people under 16 years should be accompanied by an adult.