Certificates and forms
- Private sick note for employer – £30
- Health insurance claim forms for private treatment – £30
- Fitness to exercise / fly / participate in something etc. – £30
- Occupational health forms – £30
- NB. There is no charge for private referral letters
- Home office letters (can take a week to be done) -£30 for 1 person, £40 for 2 people, £50 for a family
Medical examinations and reports
- HGV and work medicals – £120 triple appt
- Elderly driver fitness – £20 basic report up to £120 for a medical
- Private consultation (inclusive of script fees) – £50 single appt
- Private blood test – £25 *plus cost of analysis
- Private ECG – £40
- Solicitors report / insurance report (requested by company) £50 – £200 dependent on detail required and time taken to complete
- Insurance and medical reports – £30-40 if requested by patient in support of referral for private treatment – GP to advise exact cost.
- Lasting power of attorney – £120 triple appt
- Adoption papers – £120 triple appt
Travel abroad
- Hep B – £40 per vaccination and £20 admin fee
- Fitness to travel – £25
- Course of vaccinations for travel (non NHS) – £40-60 per vaccination and £20 admin fee (dependent on number required)
- Course of Rabies vaccinations – £210 (£70 per dose)
- Private script for drugs for travel abroad e.g. malaria – £25
- Holiday cancellation certificate – £30
We do not provide passport counter signatures or character references.